• Select previous/next task
    ←,→ ("Left / Right Key")
  • Select the first task in the previous/next row
    ↓,↑ ("Up / Down Key")
  • Increase selected task duration by one cell if possible
    ⇧ + ("Shift" + "+")
  • Decrease selected task duration by one cell if possible
    ⇧ - ("Shift" + "-")
  • Move the selected task to next cell if possible
    ⇧ → ("Shift" + "Right Arrow")
  • Move the selected task to previous cell if possible
    ⇧ ← ("Shift" + "Left Arrow")
  • Move the selected task to next row if possible
    ⇧ ↓ ("Shift" + "Down Arrow")
  • Move task to previous cell if possible
    ⇧ ↑ ("Shift" + "Up Arrow")
  • Remove the selected task or the selected section
  • Move the Selected Section Up / Down (if a section lane is being selected)
    ⌘ + ↓/↑ ("Command" + "Up" or "Down")
  • Show / Hide the Updating Panel
    ⌘ e ("Command" + "e")
  • Zoom In
    ⌘ + ("Command" + "+")
  • Zoom Out
    ⌘ - ("Command" + "-")
  • Undo
    ⌘ z ("Command" + "z")
  • Redo
    ⇧⌘ z ("Shift" + "Command" + "z")